Tuesday, September 25, 2018

When We Have An Idea

Trending Now:  

Idée Fixe


Definition : an idea that dominates one's mind especially for a prolonged period : obsession

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Before You Apologize

If you’re ever in a conversation and  hear yourself apologizing for not having received a voicemail or text, take a moment and consider what a bullshit notion that is.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

In The End, It's All In the Name

It’d probably be hard to prove, but I bet that a stellar marketing team at the company that makes the butt cream RectiCare had some contentious arguments and ultimately passed on several contenders before they enthusiastically got behind the perfect product name.

Friday, September 7, 2018

To Leave or Stay

I saw a report on the news tonight that a significant percentage of Facebook subscribers are leaving the platform because of the site’s encroachment on personal information.  The story told us that Facebook users have had it with the site’s use of algorithms designed to segment users by demographics for the purpose of marketing and tracking political affiliation and using that data to control content available to users.  The thought of that kind of social media manipulation is outrageous and unacceptable.  But I have a theory, and I know that it is probably controversial and perhaps not even considered by Facebook.  I think that maybe, and I know this sounds crazy, some people announce that they’re “leaving” Facebook with the intent of determining who amongst their friends will react with strong emotion, imploring them to stay or conversely, fully supporting their decision to “leave” as justifiable. To take this theory (bear with me) to another extreme level, some of these folks may actually then “hover” after “leaving” Facebook to keep track of what’s going on in their “absence”, with the absolute plan to eventually return to the platform in due time.  I think the decision to stay or leave is an individual’s right.  But I would ask someone about to make that kind of profound and completely reversable and totally inconsequential choice, “won’t you miss the cat videos?”