Thursday, October 3, 2013

NWS Robot Lady, Bird Poop, Namaste, etc.

·         The National Weather Service robot lady sounds as stupid today as she did when I was a kid.  Hopefully the money they’ve saved not updating their voice technology has been spent on state of the art storm tracking, or whatever, but she doesn’t inspire much confidence.
On a related note, the stupid robot lady at the National Weather Service came on the TV and said that because of a huge thunder storm system moving through the area, people in my county should move to higher ground.  I thought about that for a minute, but I was upstairs in my house, and I realized that she was just goofing on me.  Good to know that they have a sense of humor over there at the National Weather Service.
On another related note, I think that the National Weather Service ought to offer a broader fundamental message along with their periodic situation-specific advice.  I think they should regularly remind everyone to “build on higher ground.”
·         It’s so hard to get bird poop off a car; they ought to make car paint out of it.
·         It’s important to accept your limitations.  I saw a local want ad posted online tonight.   It was titled, “Writting Tutor Needed”.
·         I think “Namaste” is a cool expression, or salutation.  It translates to a humble statement, “I bow to your form”.  Ironically, some people use the expression constantly, and seem to want very much to change its meaning to “Please notice and validate me; I’m very pretentious.”