Thursday, May 24, 2012

Creaky, Cranky and Conservative: An Introduction

I'm well into my 50th year, and I'm now considered middle-aged by some, using the broadest and most optimistic measure.  If it's true that I'm in the middle of this journey, I'll be around until I'm 102, but I'm not sure how I feel about that prospect.  How much more creaky, cranky and conservative can I possibly become?  What will another 50 years do to me?  And what will I do with those 50 years?

Still, I must admit to having developed some characteristics that are commonly attributed to the middle-aged: gray and receding hair, impatience, opinionated-ness, short attention span, occasional forgetfulness, and others that I can't remember. 

So we'll agree to call this time in my life "Middle Age" (although I think it's more likely, at best, "Three Quarter Age"); so what?    Of the previously mentioned traits, the one for me that seems most pronounced and ever-evolving is my tendency to have strong opinions about stuff.  Although there are plenty of topics about which I willingly and alternately plead ignorance or disinterest, there is a ton of crap about which I find myself opinionated with conviction and mostly for no good reason.  While I'm an accomplished under-my-breath grumbler, there are times when my opinion seeks an audience.  Hence, The Rant.

So I will use this blog as an outlet for the rants I normally reserve for when I'm alone in the car, and formerly directed at my late cat .  Some of what I'll offer up will later embarrass and/or bore even me, and much of it will be silly and worthless at first read.  If I can take it, surely you, my mythical (for now) readers can. 

Disclaimer:  I'll admit at the outset that I will no doubt make up words and facts to back up my opinions.  So don't go getting all Wikipedia on me.  Also, I will try to be an equal opportunity offender, and I think I have it in me, but I promise nothing.

I have no idea how this blog thing will play out, or whether my short attention span will make this effort fizzle (I suppose I can always buy a replacement cat);  but here we go.  Welcome aboard, and don't say I didn't warn you.

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