“The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the
destruction of the truth.”
Bill Clinton
“It has been said that politics is the second oldest
profession. I have learned that it bears
a striking resemblance to the first.”
Ronald Reagan
And So It (Really) Begins………
I think the 2012 Presidential contest became a
bit more interesting this weekend. I am always glad and encouraged to see
passionate opinions expressed in civil, respectful and meaningful debates. Unfortunately, the discourse is seldom civil, respectful
and meaningful. I can disagree with a
person’s politics and still appreciate and honor his or her conviction as a
patriot; and I expect the same from my candidates.
It’s vital for voters on both
sides of the contest to become engaged.
Read multiple newspapers, follow both liberal and conservative media,
and come to your own independent conclusions.
Please do your own fact-checking, again with multiple sources, and keep
an open mind.
And by the way, listening to your
parents or the “Office Expert” at work is fine, but it doesn’t replace doing
your own research.
Random Thoughts……
When I make a baseless or inaccurate accusation
about someone, and am then later called to task about it, I just say that “I
was making a metaphor.” And although I
wouldn’t have any direct responsibility or knowledge of it, I expect my friends
to do the same if they make a baseless or inaccurate accusation about someone
on my behalf, but only if they are later called to task.
I wonder if Lincoln and Washington had
spokespersons that would stand in front of the press the day after a big speech
and explain, “what the President meant
to say was………”
I bet that a bunch of people with the loudest
points of view on both sides of the political spectrum have never registered to
vote, and probably will not. EVERYBODY
has an opinion, but statistically, only about 60% or less of those eligible to
vote show up on Election Day. What’s
extra scary and sad is that the 60% is partially comprised of folks who vote
for a candidate mostly because their parents and the Office Expert said so, and
without any true understanding of the issues.
The following are excerpts of an imaginary transcript of an
imaginary debate between imaginary Representative Willard “Willie” Wahnka and
imaginary Governor Albert “ Albee” Senia:
(In honor of the great and not imaginary Lincoln/Douglas
debates, the style is freeform…..)
Wahnka: “100% of American Citizens who were born
before August of 1962 and who are still alive, are now at least 49 years old
My opponent doesn’t want you to know that.”
Senia: “Well, that’s funny, but my opponent said
that exact same thing four years ago, but used August of 1958 as his example
Well? Which is it, Congressman?”
Wahnka: “The word is out that Governor Senia is in
favor of using stray puppies strapped with explosives to seek out and kill terrorists.
I feel that there is a better way, and as your President I
will not use stray puppies strapped with explosives to kill terrorists.”
Senia: “The comment I made about strapping
explosives on stray puppies has been taken out of context.
I was making a reference to “Operation Exploding Stray Puppies”,
which was a coordinated effort by allied forces in World War 2 to end Hitler’s
reign of terror. I’ve been very clear on
this point. Apparently Congressman Wahnke disagrees, but I think that the
effort to stop Hitler was noble and just.
I’m not afraid to say it, and I’m darned proud of my record on stray
Wahnka: “If my opponent has his way, most elderly
married couples will be required to divorce.
I believe that there is a better way, and as your President,
I will repeal Governor Senia’s proposed “Old
People Mandatory Divorce and Grandparent Redistribution” legislation.”
Senia: “Willie, that’s just a distortion and an
outrageous misstatement of facts.
It’s a matter of
public record, and what I said about elderly marriage is that I would propose
legislation based on the Rongovian model, whereby older couples are required to
divorce and then put into a so-called “Foster Grandparent” pool. A government program then connects these folks
with needy families. It’s not just a
theory; it’s time-tested in Rongovia since 1971. I believed it then, and I stand by it
now. Old people make very good
grandparents, and my opponent’s view that they don’t is simply wrong.”
Wahnka: “What my esteemed adversary doesn’t tell you
is that Rongovia implemented that plan when it was in the midst of a crippling two
decade-old grandparent deficit.
Of course we all think that old people make fine
grandparents. Mine were old, and I’ve
been very frank about that. And by the
way, Mr. Senia may want us to mirror Rongovia, or even become Rongovia,
although he may deny it.
Maybe he even drives one of those sporty two seat Rongovian
racers, but as for me, I’m proud to be an American, and I drive a Hyundai!”
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