Monday, August 20, 2012

Aviation History, An IDOL Update, and Augusta National, etc.

·      This week researchers found what they believe is the debris field of the plane crashed by legendary aviator Amelia Earhart 75 years ago.  Based on this intriguing newly discovered evidence, Amelia is thought to still be dead.

·      Everybody can't be a “Rock Star.”  We must stop using the term to describe everyone we like, or we’ll risk watering down the aspirational and noble notion of Rock Stardom. 

·      It is truly irritating to hear “pundits” confusing the terms Medicare and Medicaid. 

·      As the saying goes, “You can’t fix stupid.”  Missouri Representative and Senate nominee Todd Akin should resign/withdraw immediately.  The world is too volatile for people like him and Joe Biden to be in positions to influence policy.

·      In a risky move ignoring their own new rule that female judges must be mothers of twins, the producers of American IDOL have announced that recording megastar (or so I’m told) Nicki Minaj will sit next to Randy Jackson and Mariah Carey next season.  I think that this is the most exciting and bold new change for the show since the last one.

 ·      Historically males-only Augusta National has   “accepted” former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina financier Darla Moore as members.  It was gracious of the women to accept the exclusive golf club’s acceptance, and this surely represents a great step forward for women’s rights.  Now, in addition to playing on Augusta’s premier course, they get to hang out in the club lounge, where formerly only men wearing green jackets would drink too much and lie about hunting trips and romantic conquests, fart, talk about boats, drink a lot and smoke cigars and discuss their prostate health and cars and fart, tell sex jokes, discuss lawn care, power tools and fishing, and smoke cigars and talk about sex and drink a bunch and fart. 

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