Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Update and More Unproveable Facts

·         It’s day three of the Sandusky Suicide Watch.  So far, no luck.

 ·         By request, here are some more unproveable facts.

v  Most Canadian coins are fake.

v  In most Slovak villages, blankets made from the back hair of elders are used as currency.

v  Before Campbell’s invented condensed soups, their soups were virtually the same, but had more water and can.

v  Toothpicks were originally called “splinters”.

v  An estimated one-fifth of the Grand Canyon is made of Styrofoam.

v  Some Polynesian Islands cultures call both weekend days “Saturday”.

v  President Richard Nixon had the name DICK tattooed on his scalp.

v  The first Hyundai was built completely by accident.

v  Otters embarrass easily, but culturally this is considered an endearing trait.

v  There is only one official medical record of a person actually having the bejesus kicked out of him, but it was pretty bad.

v  Bowling balls originally had 8 holes.

v  In 1967, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were sued (settled out of court) for copyright infringement by a Wholesale Meat Business called “Simon and Garfunkel Big Meats”.

v  Chemically, dog farts are 87% other dogs’ ass smell.

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